Thursday, December 11, 2014

How Are You Though?

You hear that question so many times. 

You walk past someone on campus: "How you doing?"

You create conversation in awkward silences: "How you doing?"

You go through the drive-thru at Taco Bell: "Hi, how are you?"

I ask it all the time to other people as well. However, very few time is it actually a genuine question. Very seldom do I actually care enough to listen to how their life is going and what all is going on. 

I've been so fortunate to have been able to have some really special and rare people in my life that actually crave to hear about other peoples lives and how they can in anyway be praying for them. These people, I believe, are ones that make the world a better place. I don't know what it is, but lately I've been appreciating people more than usual. Any nice deed that is done, I just sit back and think "Wow. That was really nice. It's cool to see people be nice." Imma be straight up, about 97% of the time I ask people how they're doing, I don't care at all how they're doing, I'm just doing it so it's not a one sided conversation. Honestly, if someone where to comment on my quick "How's it going" with a long and honest response to how it was going, I would most likely continue to walk away. I'm not the best with feelings and words so that is, if we're being honest, what I would do. Sorry. 

Other people, however, the ones that ask how you are doing and then when you respond with a short "Good, good, what about you", they say again "No. How are you really doing". Those who genuinely care about what's going on and want to hear you tell them stuff, like wow. Those people just blow my mind. I mean, I'm writing an entire blog post about them because I think that they are such a cool type of people. Recently I had a pretty big argument with one of my closest friends and mentors. This girl has been in my life almost 2 years and has taught me so much about life, work and Jesus. Things were said on both ends that should not have been said and were not meant. I am so thankful to have her still here though and have a friend as forgiving as her because less than 24 hours later I was blessed with her forgiveness and love and I believe that our friendship is stronger than ever now because of this. People like that amaze me. People that show God's love and forgiveness in every aspect of their lives, no matter how hard it is.

That's just a little nugget of what I've learned this week. That friends are good. Genuineness is good. God is good.

~Link Life~

No pictures posted because my picture taking has been not a thing oops.

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