Saturday, January 4, 2014

I Couldn't Come Up With A Title For This One

I love driving. It gives me time to clear my head, listen to some music and just relax.


Someone on their phone who isn't paying attention is going 20 miles under the speed limit, accidentally cuts me off, or is constantly breaking when no one is in front of them and I'm in a hurry on my way to work. That's not relaxing then, even with chill music.

I mean, I'm not going to lie, I text and drive every now and then. I've started to recognize when I do it and put the phone down, but that doesn't mean it still doesn't happen from time to time (I am also capable of paying attention to the road while this happens. Road Rage Rant over). Just because I've never gotten into an accident while texting and driving, though, doesn't erase the fact that it is incredibly dangerous.

Now, before you close out of this blog because you don't want to listen to some 18 year old nobody teach you a lesson about texting and driving, calm down, this isn't what this blog is about. I'm gonna tie it into Jesus soon, promise.

It doesn't take brain surgeon to realize that texting and driving is hazardous to your health. You've read the stats, you've seen the commercials, people die in car crashes, a lot of the time because of texting. Now, thankfully, I have not had someone I know that was involved in a crash like that. However, I can imagine that anyone who has or does know someone who was involved in a texting relating crash, doesn't text and drive. I know that if that did happen to someone who I loved, that I would hate the idea of texting and driving, I would tell every single person I talked to about how stupid it was and how it killed someone I loved. I would be so passionate about making sure that the same mistake wouldn't happen to anyone else. If someone I loved, was killed, by someone who was too selfish to put their phone down for the short time they were in the car, if they were killed for a stupid reason like that, I wouldn't ever touch my phone in the car. Ever.

I do though. I touch my phone. I text. I change songs. Even though I know something could go wrong. Maybe it's just because I'm a dumb teenager. I have stopped doing it so much, usually its just a "yes" or an "okay", but I still do it from time to time.

We all know someone that died for a bunch of selfish people. For all the selfish people. For all the texters who drive, for all the pot smokers, for all the gossipers, for all the homosexuals. For all the sinners. For everybody.


He died for us, because we sinned. And we won't stop sinning until we get to heaven with Him. Isn't that the same though? Isn't that the same as someone I love, dying because someone wouldn't put down their phone. Jesus died because we can't shut our mouths sometimes when talking bad about someone. He died because sometimes, we want to go to a party and drink a little. He died because we wanted to go too far one night with our boyfriend or girlfriend. He died, because we're sinners that wont stop sinning. However, Jesus' death, brings us hope, brings us renewal, brings us forgiveness. He knows were going to sin. He knew we were, knows we are and knows we are going to. He knew when the Romans came to take Him. He knew when He was being flogged. He knew while He was carrying that cross. He knew while He was being nailed to the cross. He knew from the beginning that we were going to disobey Him. And He still did it. Why? Because he loves us. He wants us to be with Him in heaven so much that He said 'Alright, I know you're gonna keep doing what you're doing, but I'm gonna die for you anyway because I wanna spend eternity with you.'

So hate the sin! Love the sinner, but hate the sin! Be passionate about telling others about your Lord and Savior that died for them! Try desperately to stay away from sin! Do whatever it takes! This is war!
"Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul." 
1 Peter 2:11
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world."
1 Peter 5:8-9

Also, don't text and drive. It's not safe.

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