Being saved is a concept that comes up quite a bit. Whether or not your saved, whether or not you can lose your salvation etc. And I was thinking about it a bit the other day. My mind was digging into predestination topics (I'm not gonna talk about that rn, that's a long conversation for later) and whether or not I'm even predestined and you get the point of where I'm going with this.
Most of the times I think about these things, I'm directed to Romans 10:9-10 which says
9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Ro 10:9–10). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Ro 10:9–10). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
Just believe it and confess it and you're good. Because when you truly believe that Jesus is Lord and believe it in your heart, than you can't help but marvel in His greatness and want to obey Him.
It's the want part though that gets me. Because I do want to obey Him, but sometimes I don't. And I know that's on me, that it's me not listening to the gospel when I think that because I messed up I'm not saved. Because saying that would mean that everyone who messes up isn't saved, and saving the mess-ups is what Jesus came down here to do and did.
So when I think about these things there just becomes this whirlpool of questions and possibilities and it wasn't until I was thinking a little bit today until I realized something.
Why am I caring so much about whether or not I'm saved?
Why does everyone focus on that?!? About whether or not it can be taken away (which it can't), about whether or not you are? Cause you want to know if you're going to Heaven or not. Right?
Cause you want to know if you're going to Heaven or not.
I don't know about you guys, but that mindset doesn't seem about God at all. It seems on you. Now, when you worry about just going to Heaven, you're turning your worship and your studies and your serving into a work based believe that is based all around you.
I don't want to get into Heaven because of a label of being saved. I don't want to enter into those gates with the mindset of "wow, sure glad I dodged the hell bullet. Whew, glad I'm saved. Now I'm gonna go chill." and I wont.
Adam Donyes says an awesome thing:
"If you don't enjoy worshiping Jesus now on earth, what makes you think you're going to like heaven?" (that's probably not the exact wording but you get the point)
So I know that I'm going to enter into those gates super stinking pumped to worship God in the best way I ever have in the eternity of ever. My mindset is going to be completely on Him. Everyone will be completely about Him. Cause it's heaven...
I don't know if any of this really made since, it really jumped around a lot. But let me leave you with this.
If you're struggling with the concept of being saved and wondering if you are or not, ask yourself this:
If I found out today that I wasn't saved, would it change how much I love the Lord?
If I found out today that I'm not "predestined", would that change how I live my life?
Would you buy a ticket to a show that you knew you couldn't get into?
If your love and worship is based on what you can get in eternity, and what you want isn't to spend eternity worshiping Christ, then I hate to break it to you, but you're probably not going to get it.
I think we need to stop worrying about salvation and start putting the main focus back onto God, then salvation will follow.
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