We've been staying in Sydney at a hotel called Cremoine Point. It's this little boutique hotel that is adorable and has fantastic breakfast. We got her the morning of the 13th and headed straight to the beach, Manly beach to be exact. We stayed most of the wje day and went back on Valentine's Day as well (which is also where I found my lifegaurd valentine. And yes, I did just pick the hottest guy I found and asked him to take a picture with me). On the 15th we went to the Tarango Zoo which was loads of fun and we got to see monkeys, go to the seal show and I lost my earring while log rolling towards a toddler who was throwing a fit and crying and screaming on the ground. He stopped crying and his parents asked if they could hire me. Afterwards we we to Hillsong church, which was pretty good, and then we headed towards a restruant that I found online and suggested because they said they had "world famous mac n cheese". We finally found the place and when we walked in My stomach sunk because i thought that I had brought the Link Year Fiji group to a strip club.
Good news, it turns out it wasn't a strip club, just a sketchy bar. Their "world famous" mac n cheese was easy mac. No, like we asked the people working there, it's easy mac. But I did finally find real hot wings. Today we are at Bondi beach, joined by our friend Tab that we met back in Fiji who lives in Melborne. Within the first 20 minutes we were being filmed talking to one of the lifeguards. Bondi beach has its own tv show, and we're on it 💁.
Anyway, our group has learned a lot between Fiji and Australia. Personally I've learned just how spolied I am. With data to text and Google wherever I go in the US. With everyday warm showers, normal food, clean clothes. I know the transition is going to be tough going back to cold water and dirty clothes on the 18th when we head back to Fiji.
Along with that, there was something said in the Hillsof service that stuck out to me. It was hard to catch everything the guy said because the people on the front row would all say "oh yes!" "Mmmmmm" "no control! Yes!" "Oh yes! Preach! *had claps and holding bible in air like simba*"
But this stuck out to me:
"Would you want to pray to a God that you can control?"
No. No I really really don't. When I heard that I thought back to every pray I prayed that ended up not going my way. Each one ended up being so much better than if God had answewd my prayer. I mean, I guess he did answer it, just in His own way. If we had control over God..... This world would not exist anymore. If I simply had control over God, I probably wouldn't exist anymore. There have been countless times where I would pray for something to happen or not happen, and while I was praying I knew that, in the long run, it wouldn't be good for me. But I'm stupid and sinful so I did it anyway in the hopes of getting what I wanted.
I am so thankful for a God that gives me what I need instead of what I want. That reveals my sins when I want to hide them. That has a plan for me that is perfect and His will when mine would lead me to ultimate destruction.
It's also pretty cool how one question can make you think about multiple things.
But yeah. Australia, Mac N Cheese and God.
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