It's something I do every day, pretty much every second and something that I've done since before I can remember.
I bite my nails.
Every now and then I'll attempt to stop biting them, but it always comes back to the same nubby ending. It's been at the point for a while where I don't even notice anymore that I'm biting them, it's apart of life now, I can't go with out it. Now, am I sounding a bit over dramatic about biting my nails? Maybe, but I really am addicted to it so whatever.
So, I'm sitting there after The Fort listening to the Q&A session with Adam Donyes, I'm biting my nails and listening to everything that is being said and I look down at my nails, or lack of. Even when I don't have any nail to bite at, I still continue to try and find some part of it I can attack with my teeth. I looked at my nubs for a little and thought of something. This is how I want my faith and life to look like. Now, maybe I'm going a little to far to try and make a metaphor for faith, but it's honestly what immediately came to mind, so I'm gonna roll with it.
I do it so much I forget I'm doing it, it's so much apart of life that it's changed the appearance of my nails from normal, non-bitten nails, I always know that even if it looks like there is no nail to bite, I will find something. Okay, yes, after typing this all out I've realized how kind of gross and just weird this is, but again, still going to roll with it because it makes sense in my mind.
I want to be faithful and so much in the word that I don't even notice that I'm doing it anymore (not in a "I don't want to know I'm doing it" but more in a like "it's become so natural that I don't even think of it as something that I need to do and so it's just like muscle memory and so natural to do") I want to be changed by Christ to where, like my nails, I don't act or look like I did before. How do I do that though? Well, I assume it means actually putting it into play after I click the Publish button on this blog. I assume it means being in the Word daily and constantly praying and working on my relationship with Christ. I assume it means walking rather than talking. It's something I've always struggled with actually committing to, it's a good thing I'm at a place where we do that every day then, get it into practice before I leave so it's that muscle memory thing I was talking about. Right?
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