I wrote a blog a while back concerning this very same topic.
It’s the topic that is discussed the most worldwide. It’s the topic that almost
every single person on each side does not understand. It’s the topic where most
people are on a side simply to be on a side.
Stop. Before you even think the words “oh that’s a sin” I’m
gonna need to you to stop.
You weren’t expecting that^ little sentence, huh? But lets
be honest, that’s what first came to mind.
Now, I’m not saying that homosexuality isn’t a sin. Saying
that would completely 100% contradict what scripture says. The bible clearly
states that it is a sin. That’s not what this blog is about.
All Sins Are Equal
Say it with me this time. Out loud. I don’t care where you
are; I don’t care who you’re with. Make sure you hear it.
Gossip= adultery=
I am attending a Gap Year program in Branson, Missouri called “Link Year”.
While I’ve been here, as you can imagine, many conversations have started about
the topic of homosexuality. I’ve heard many views from both sides, some views
that made sense, others that did not. The biggest thing that still makes me
think when it comes to Christians and homosexuality is this: Why do we (the
majority of Christians) hate so harshly on homosexuality, yet praise other sins
such as idolatry, gossip, gluttony?
that last part if you have to, but then really think about it.
How many times do you tweet or talk about how much you love Netflix but also
how you hate it because you spend all your time on it? Before you say, “well, I
think that’s a little extreme to say that I’m idolizing it just because I love
i·dol·a·try - worship
of idols, extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone.
All the subtweets you see and take part in. What do you think that is?
gos·sip - casual or unconstrained
conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that
are not confirmed as being true.
Thanksgiving. Now calm down, Thanksgiving is my favorite
holiday. But lets get real.
glut·ton·y - habitual greed or excess in eating.
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 it says this:
“Or do you not know that the
unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived:
neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who
practice homosexuality,10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (ESV)
Alright. So, most of the time when people are being jerks
and are bashing the heck out of homosexuals, they will put that verse out
there. Yes, it does say in black and white ink that people who practice
homosexuality will not inherit the kingdom of God. But neither will the
sexually immoral, idolaters, adulters, ect. Like, read the rest of the verse
guys. You know what it says? All sinners. So, sorry Westboro Baptist guys,
looks like Gays aren’t the only ones going to Hell. We all are. Right?
Yes we all deserve Hell, it is the only thing that we will
ever deserve. However, Because of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for Him we
have the overwhelmingly, fantastic, this-is-so-crazy-awesome, opportunity to
believe in Him and spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
Most people when reading 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 will leave
out the most important part. Verse 11.
“And that is what some
of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (ESV)
That doesn’t say just the greedy or
sexually immoral are washed and sanctified. It talks of every single sin. No
matter what sin you’re in right now, were in in the past, or will be in the
future; You are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the
Spirit of our God, if you believe in Jesus as your one true Savior.
I’m going to cut this blog off here
because I have to study for school and brush my teeth and be hygienic and what
not. However, I hope that this made sense. I also hope that if you are gay and
you are reading this, that you do realize that being gay doesn’t mean you are
constantly sinning, but that you are constantly a sinner in need of a Savior,
just like every single other person on this earth. I hope that people who are
homophobic or just do not understand homosexuality at all gained a new
perspective. I pray that the day will come when everyone will finally realize
no one person is better than another, and in reality, we are all dirty, awful,
sinners with one perfect, amazing God waiting for us to come home.
~Link Life~
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It was parents weekend and my favorite nugget came to be my friend |
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But aren't we just the cutest siblings? |
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We rode in Ali's trunk again |
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No, it hasn't started snowing yet. Yes, I bought a sled. |
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TGIF consisted of riding my Heely's down hills at Dogwood and taking artsy pics of reflections |
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