In the good ole' days of 7th grade, middle hair parts and limited too styles, I was obsessed with the Jonas Brothers. My favorite and most prized obsessions out of the three boys in the group, was Nick Jonas. I spent many hours reading magazines, watching interviews and taking quizes online to make sure I knew everything I could about Mr. Nicholas Jerry Jonas, born on September 16, 1992 in Dallas, Texas. As you can tell, much of that information is still stuck into my mind to this day. His face covered every inch of my walls and I would celebrate his birthday more then I would my own when it would come up.
I know. This is all very creepy. I'm sorry.
I was this way until about the middle of my Sophomore year of High School when I finally realized how creepy it was to obsess over this boy who had no idea who I was and never would. We didn't have a relationship. I was fortunate enough, though, to be able to meet him twice, but he doesn't remember me, he doesn't know my name, we do not have a relationship.
But I do know most everything about him and what's he's done. I still follow his career (just not as close anymore). And, when asked, I'll say I love him because there is still some of Karly Jonas Stavinoha hidden deep inside of me.
Now, let's take a bit of that information above and look at it from a different angle.
In the good ole' days of 10th grade, rebellious actions and "stoner" styles, I was obsessed with drugs, drinks and misbehaving. After being saved during the summer of Sophomore year, I spent many hours reading the bible, listening to sermon podcast's and checking with kamp counselors to make sure I knew everything I could about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, born from Mary and Joseph (but actually just Mary) in a manger on a cold night.
I do know most everything about Him and what He's done. I still follow his teachings (every now and then, sometimes it just doesn't seem worth it). And, when asked, I'll say I love Him, but sometimes won't show it.
Now, am I saying that Nick Jonas was once my Jesus?.... well, he was an idol, so I guess you could say that, but that's not the point of this blog. Actually, the point of this blog is to explain to you why I dislike the term "Christian" but also why I've recently started to dislike the term "Follower of Christ".
Personally, I feel as if the church has been completely brainwashed into thinking getting into Heaven is easier than it really is. "As long as we go to church on Christmas and Easter, we got it in, no worries." "As long as I don't do any 'serious' sins like murder or meth, I'll be fine." "As long as I attend every church event and show everyone how grateful I am to help out, I'm a shoe in." That's not all it takes though. Showing up to church, singing a few songs, then going back to life as if it never happened. That doesn't cut it.
"He went on his way through the towns and villages, teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem. And someone said to him,"Lord, will those who are saved be few?" and he said to them, "Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. when once the master of the house has risen and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, open to us,' then he will answer you, 'I do not know where you come from.' Then you will begin to say, 'We ate and drank in our presence, and you taught in our streets.' But he will say 'I tell you, I do not know where you come from. Depart from me, all you workers of evil."
Luke 13: 22-27 (NIV)
I imagined myself in this situation. I went up, knocked on the door of heaven and asked to come in. God said he didn't know me. I didn't have a relationship with him. I couldn't go to heaven.
Imagine how awful it would be, to be at the gates of heaven and then for God to tell you that He didn't know you. You might have known everyone in the church, but you didn't know Him. You might have known all about Him, but you didn't have a personal relationship with Him.
Your relationship with Christ is either getting better or worse. It's never idle.
Recently I got an Xbox 360 and it's taken up a huge chunk of my time and brain. Along with the mind sucking black box of violence, I've been very busy with work and life. I "haven't had time" (had different priorities) to read my bible much or pray. It's not too hard to guess whether or not my relationship was getting better or worse with Christ. Unless I was sharing the gospel over Xbox live while playing Call of Duty (which actually could be pretty interesting.) and talking the Jesus while breading the chicken and buttering the buns at Chick-Fil-A (which I wasn't).
Anyway, I kinda got a little off topic. It's whatever, I do that, at least I'm still talking about Jesus. But what I was getting at, is that people will say that they're a "Christian" and base that statement souly on the fact that they believe there is a God. They don't follow Him but when asked about it, yes they are "Christian".
Recently, it seems like anyone who has gone to a Christian camp, has a pair of chacos and doesn't make, by the worlds standards, "horrible" life decisions, is a Follower of Christ. I'm sorry if that's a harsh statement, but it's just what I've seen. I'm really just over titles in general. Instead, can't we just start asking 'do you's instead of 'are you's?
Like: Do you have a relationship with Christ? Do you know if you're going to heaven or not?
Not: Are you a Christian? Are you apart of this church?
This is really choppy and poorly written. Probably because I'm writing this at 1:30 in the morning and I'm tired and my brain is half off. But I wanted to share this. So here we are. And here are some pics.
Ayeee, this is a very lucky shot of a 2am convo with my kamp consular about Jesus and why I should believe and follow Him. That's me in the top bunk bed in the left corner. Shout-out to @megabunz for ruining that little moment after she broke Sal-pals camera.
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